воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I got some new soes that are suppose to be suportive when I run ad I will be starting to run tomorrow morning, getting up at 4:45am to go and run/walk two miles. I got the program from Runners World. Its an 8 week program to build you up to running for 30 minutes straight. Ruffly 2 miles.

The frist week is run 1 min/walk 2 min. Repeat 10X

I think it will go well.

Also according to the Mayo Clinic my target heart rate is 134-162 beats per minute.

My weigth is still 281lbs.

Heres to doing something about it

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exemples de lettres de demission

The only ONE THING i want to do now, is to SIT DOWN AND DO NOTHING�
Well everyday i have to see thousand and one people on my way to work and on my way back home�SICK�

The more I work, the more I feel disgusted about working life�
Its like you will�never know when is someone going to stab you from behind�
Its like a case of "stab and run"....

Im starting to feel restless... I felt something is missing
Right now~�Im having a fucking bad headache�

Bad timing perhaps...

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Ok I stayed up WAY too late, but it was worth it. I finished my Spanish paper and all other homework for monday, studied a bunch for my psychopathology test on monday, edited the introduction section for my thesis and wrote the methods section, due on tuesday. Also, I pretty much finished my thesis website, which I will post here in a little bit. I think it was worth staying up til 3 to feel like I have a handle on my life, at least for now.

And now I can enjoy tomorrow without worrying about homework. Im so excited My first wedding in like 8 years, and the first one thats not my family, or parentapos;s friends


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Well weapos;ve had a productive weekend so far.

Rode out to freo last night (Friday), took the long way home and did 75kms in the evening. Add to that the 60kms commuting today and just a little bit more and I would have ridden to Busselton. I think it may be possible to do the run there and back in the same day. Will have to see how I go.

Saturday spent painting the walls and it looks awesome. Will be doing the ceiling today and touching up a few spots that got overlooked. The colour is way better than the yellow that used to be there. Weapos;re going to get paint for the doorways today... Will need to decide on the shade while out. I did some paving too... Well fixing up a few paving sections that we had lifted a while ago. Was interesting trying to fit the bricks back in the gaps, especially since the gaps had moved slightly.

Darnit a mozzie has bit me on the arse and its not a small bite either :( Coulda been while I was working on my bike. My bike was naked last night (Saturday) and we could see her guts :D Chain is clean and I know what a couple of strange hoses are now.

I have white paint in my hair. And I canapos;t get it out :(

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I donapos;t think you even realize how much you have hurt me. I feel like I canapos;t even have a functional relationship with anyone because you have made me hate myself. You are a verbally and emotionally abusive person. You have hurt me way more than you could ever imagine. I hate you. I hate you for what you have done to me, and at this point, you will never be able to undo it. I donapos;t know why I ever cared about having your approval so much. I was never going to get it. You hate me because I am not of the same religion as you. You hate me because I donapos;t have the same politics as you. You hate me because Iapos;m gay. You hate me because I have the potential to be happy and you never will be. This is me letting go of you so I can be happy. I am in love with the most amazing girl in the world and I want to be happy with her. I donapos;t want to keep pushing her away because of you. I canapos;t do this anymore. Iapos;m done with you.


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Because previous posts have been overwrought and emotional, there will be a change of tune. You know, in the spirit of the coming new year.Got DVDs of Heathers and Battlestar Galactica: Razor.

Hee. *giddy*

So I am off to watch Razor now. Will get back to you when Iapos;m done and wax rhapsodic over Jamie Bamber and Katee Sackhoff.

And, Heathers? Heathers is love.

Be back later.

(days later) Battlestar Galactica fangirling. If you donapos;t know your BSG, you can stop reading now.

Joss Whedon, meet Ron D. Moore, the latest show runner who gives us great female characters and allow them to be more than eye candy.

Michelle Forbes draws that great line between a scary leader and a great leader, and when she (spoiler) takes out her XO, oh man. Irina Derevko, meet Admiral Cain.

Razor goes back to the days of the Battlestar Pegasus, which is a more advanced, more upscale battlestar than the Galactica. The interiors are cooler, the people are meaner, and the demands are higher. The movie follows the story of Kendra Shaw, who is a tougher and meaner officer than anyone on the Galactica can ever be. Sheapos;s very by the book, and is a good officer in that she follows exactly what sheapos;s told. When Lee tells Adama that "she and Kara donapos;t get along," with the viewers knowing just how foolhardy Kara (Starbuck) Thrace can be, you can guess why.

The commentary says the original framing device of the movie was Kendra and Kara talking. That wouldapos;ve been interesting.

By the way, those CGI effects? wicked.

Razor, on its own, is wonderful. It does start to sputter near the end, when the writers clearly were struggling to find a proper ending and tie it all up to prepare for the 4th season, but itapos;s wonderful.
As part of the series, however, itapos;s a little tougher to say. Because you want to watch it to follow the trajectory of Admiral Cain. On the extended DVD version, sure. You might be able to get that. And if Razor is in your thoughts going into season four, this should get interesting. Because Kara has a destiny. We just donapos;t know what it is. So we have to watch the fourth and final season to find that out, to figure it out.
And see just how Razor fits into the grand scheme of things.

"Sometimes we have to do things that we never thought we were capable of, if only to show the enemy our will."
- Admiral Cain (BSG: Razor)

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Nothing really new to share, just this little anecdote, courtesy of my teammate:

Interviewer: So, do you know anyone from the company? Do you have friends who work for A********?
Applicant: Yes, maapos;am Tiger Woods, maapos;am
Interviewer: Are you willing to undergo different trainings, or --
Applicant: Yes, maapos;am Anything you want to teach, maapos;am
Interviewer: And we have different offices around Metro Manila, is there a specific office location you prefer?
Applicant: Anywhere, maapos;am

If only all applicants wanted to be part of the company this enthusiastically.

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aturday night live

So, I never write in here. That sucks.

Iapos;m up early because weapos;re leaving for Leonardtown at 9 this morning, to go see Jamieapos;s family and hang out, but mostly to see our puppy Jamieapos;s cousin, John, breeds APBTs (American Pit Bull Terriers), and just had a litter about two weeks ago. There were eight puppies, but four died because they were premature. :(

But, out of the surviving puppies, the three females are reds. (John called them "red bluey", and I donapos;t know what that means - I think it means they have blue noses instead of red noses like their mommy does.) And the male, who is smaller than the other females, is black with a bit of white on his chest and a white stripe down the middle of his head.

So, today, weapos;re bringing a small blanket with us for the puppies to all get scent on, so that when we take our puppy home, he/she can smell his/her siblings and mommy and feel comforted.

Weapos;re pretty sure weapos;re going to take the black and white male, but if one of they girls has a better personality, we might take one of them.

Iapos;m excited. Theyapos;re only two weeks old, so theyapos;re all gonna be all wrinkly and squeaky. John said they just opened their eyes the other day. :D

So, howapos;s that for an update? Weapos;re getting a puppy soon

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I am so looking forward to this weekend. Leaving right after work to go to Eudora. Adam and I are going to watch scary movies and work on our costumes and go to the touring performance of The Lion King. I canapos;t wait Itapos;s going to be so awesome. (And I am hope hope hoping that the in-laws donapos;t make a surprise visit... Though if they do, I guess the surprise is on them. LOL)

Poor Bee had to watch me struggle with part of my costume last night. Note to self: Things sewn to the top of a glove have to be stretchable.

Oooh, and in other news, I bought Coldplay tickets for Adamapos;s birthday. The concert is next month. I am SOOOOOO excited about that. Best birthday present ever Even if it isnapos;t MY birthday.

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